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About Me

I remember first picking up a camera at the age of eight. I loved packing multiple disposable cameras, (the wind-up kind!), in my luggage when I would go on family vacations. I would take photos of everything! Photos of all the beautiful mountain ranges on our drive to our family reunion in West Virginia. I’d get all my cousins together and pose them by the luscious green West Virginia trees. Then once I arrived back home in Illinois, I would anxiously wait as the photos were developed. I was always so excited to see what they turned out to look like! 

Fast forward to College. It was my sophomore year and I still had no idea what I wanted to study. I attended a seminar about creative imaging where the Professor talked all about photography, photoshop, directing and producing images, and camera equipment. I was amazed by the beauty and magic of the photographs that were showcased. That is when I knew I wanted to study photography!

I later graduated with my bachelor’s degree and moved to Arizona where I currently reside. Since moving to Arizona, I have received many photography positions including the photographer for the Arizona Coyotes NHL Team. I also photograph multiple weddings every year, engagements, family photos, political campaigns, product shoots, landscapes, and even some celebrities! I have had my fair share of doubts within this career, and feelings of not being “enough”. But, once I realized one of my purposes in life is to capture priceless moments of other people’s lives, I knew there was no turning back! Photography is truly my calling!

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